As the HSE continue its spot checks on businesses to ensure they are Covid secure. Listed below are the types of things they are looking for:
Customers are asked to wear face coverings while visiting a store.
Appropriate queuing system for customers outside the premises.
The queue is supervised to ensure effective social distancing, and entry to premises is controlled by staff.
Those with Covid-19 symptoms are refused entry.
Where applicable NHS test and trace QR code displayed for use, with an alternative manual written system also provided.
Where appropriate, contactless systems used.
Effective social distancing arrangements are in place eg. one way systems or floor markings.
Staff in customer facing areas are wearing face coverings (not face visors).
Covid-19 risk assessment completed and effectively implemented.
Cleaning and disinfection as appropriate to prevent cross contamination particularly items or surfaces which are touched (ie. door handles).
Records of all staff, visitors and contractors working or visiting the premises in line with NHS test and trace (21 days).
Background music or other noise reduced to prevent shouting, singing etc.
Ventilation in premises increased where possible.
And remember to display the Government Covid secure poster.
Spot checks are completed either by a workplace visit or by phone, often unannounced. In order to reach as many workplaces as possible, the HSE are working with trained and approved partners to deliver these spot checks and visits. Officers that visit premises will be carrying identification and a letter of authorisation from the HSE.