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Events - Risk assessment tips for running a Market Fair

If you are thinking or planning to run a market, seasonal fair or similar you need to make sure that not only do you arrange the necessary insurances but also that you consider any health and safety risks as well.

Completing a simple risk assessment (it does not have to be onerous) at the planning stage of your event should help you identify any safety measures you need to put in place.

Think about the risks which could occur both at the planning/setting up stage and also at the event itself.

Use the five step risk assessment process...

Consider all the activities and identify the hazards

Risks could include carrying heavy items, delivery or installation of equipment, use of electrical equipment, overcrowding, welfare facilities, fire, hot food and liquids, spillages, small beads, cables, etc.

Decide who might be harmed

Consider who could be harmed such as visitors, children, those with a mobility impairment, etc.

Evaluate the risks, Record and Review

Consider all of the risks relating to each activity such as slips, trips and falls, burns and scalds, smoking.

Record your findings on the risk assessment and include the actions which have been taken or will be put in place to keep these risks to a minimum. These could include emergency procedures in place, escape route/exits unobstructed and signposted, electrical equipment installed and tested, no trailing cables, heating equipment for food and liquids stored safely with restricted access, etc.

After making a record of your risk assessment, regularly review the findings during the planning and setting up stage to ensure all risks are covered and controls are in place.

You may also want to check with your local authority to make sure you meet their health and safety requirements in terms of special licences and selling food/food traders.

It is good practice to have someone who can administer first aid and deal with minor ailments, as well as being able to call for further assistance if required.

If there are high risk activities such as any sporting events or large numbers attending you should liaise with an external first aid provider.

By producing a risk assessment showing all the work you have done to reduce the risk will help to ensure your event runs smoothly and successfully.

If you require further risk assessment advice on running an event please drop me a line at



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